March Love 2014

marchloveRoaming down rows upon rows of books inside Page One bookstore on a Friday night, and finally treated myself to the “Decorate Workshop” book by Holly Becker, to add onto my interior decoration book collection. Her book is filled with beautiful and inspiring images. Trying a new Korean cosmetic brand, ETUDE HOUSE, where the pretty and girlie packaging of the glow stick and illuminator powder stole my heart away. Enjoying my delish taro and chocolate mint ice cream after work with dad, just because.

Noticing a pattern in my color choices during a shopping spree at H&M, consisting of black, white, and grey – some basic wear colors that i love. I left the shop empty handed and felt this unusual sense of liberation upon me. Taking a quiet stroll at the North District Park after gym, and spotted these beautiful flowers. Spring is definitely on its way. Indulgences at work amongst my colleagues and i, with mouthfuls of these delightful marzipan with plum, strawberry, and grape filling, that i got from Denmark. They are completely heavenly.

Welcoming spring with some pretty shades of pink. Dolling up in pink nail polish and pink blush, while spraying on my feminine Forever and Ever Dior perfume, as i embrace the day ahead of me. Finally starting to write down my thoughts and plans for 2014 in my newly purchased pink diary. It’s always up lifting and motivating to have a vision for the near future and staying organized in our daily hectic life style, while writing down random thoughts and inspirations that comes to mind unexpectedly. Giving Australian beauty brand, Lucas Papaw Ointment, a try after hearing all the rave about it lately. Lovely Sunday chill day where things like a cuppa cappuccino, cookies n cream cheese cake, checking blogs, and reading my Starbucks book, is all i want to do.

I am blessed for each and everyday that was filled with love, fun, laughters, and sharing special moments with people I love and care for. You are my March Love 2014.


Filed under Fun, Life

3 responses to “March Love 2014

  1. Love your March Insta pics!! I really like Etude house, their make up is really quite affordable and they do have some nice things. Also make such good gifts for friends too, I have several of their hand creams that people have bought for me, they are so cute.

    Also yes – you noticed I blog about 1x a week these days, just works out easier these days – I don’t know how some people manage to blog 2/3x a week when having a full time job! I guess they are better at writing lots of drafts compared to me 😀

  2. Seems like you’ve had a great month. I’m loving H&M at the moment too. I know what you mean about blogging- where do people get the time! ha,ha. Love all your pictures, looking forward to your next post.
    Laura. xx

  3. Sounds like a wonderful month – looks like you got up to some really nice things.
    The packaging on that make up brand looks so cute.

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