Tag Archives: dessert

November Love 2013

Nov Love 2013

My usual chilled Friday night with BFF where we tried a new Spanish restaurant, “Vi Cool”, and enjoyed the evening over red wine and tapas, which was a combination that proved to be just perfect. My newly skincare purchases for the month involving a stop over at Kiehl’s, where my current favorite product is now their “Midnight Recovery Concentrate”. The essential oils acts like an over night serum and has this refreshing lavender fragrance that gives me a sense of relaxation when applied on. Entering a dark and cosy bar by the name of “Tai Long Fung” bar for a friend’s birthday, which had interesting Chinese decors, such as using old Chinese lookalike newspaper as their drink menu. Best of all, their drinks are at decent prices and without 10% service charge.

Celebrating mom’s birthday with her friends and families, and some lovely flowers were presented to her on this speical day. Buying two mini cakes from Paul Lafayet on the way home for dad’s birthday. The name of their Earl Grey Infusion and Baileys Dome cakes instantly caught my attention with the lovely purple flower petals and mini red macaron detailing on them. Received a cute elephant print make up bag and some cute Japanese snacks from BFF during her business trip in Japan. Japan never fails to surprise me with their creative and delicious food and snacks!

Enjoying my Sunday afternoon at home  doing research for my Christmas trip to Europe, while enjoying a pot of my fave Earl Grey tea from Fauchon, and some Taiwanese honey sponge cake. Starting my early Christmas shopping at Franc Franc to prepare my Christmas gifts for friends and families back in the UK and Denmark. Amongst the crowd and Christmas songs playing merrily across the shop, i spotted this pretty white jewelry stand in the form of a tree with two cute birds on the branches, which i’m still deciding if i should buy. Some retail therapy at H&M always helps when you have a bad day at work or suffering from Monday blues.

I am blessed for each and every day that was filled with love, fun, laughters, and sharing special moments with people i love and care for. You are my November Love 2013.


Filed under Beauty, Food, Fun

June Love 2013


Enjoyed a relaxing Saturday night out while Ms. C was in town visiting, where the taste of fresh and delicious sashimi and sushi was slowly savored and plum wine was infused to sweeten our taste buds. Fathers day was played low key where we had steak down our local restaurant. Following the last few years, I would always get dad a cake and this year was no exception. I got him a strawberry mousse cake, where the taste of the sweetness and sourness was just right. Pampering time where BFFs and I went to the “feel good factor” to get our manicure and pedicure done. The barbie pink feet of mine was just perfect to greet the summery days, while my funky two color toned nails in bright yellow and orange, expressed the fun side of me.

Girls night out with my BFFs, Ms.S and Ms. C, at our good old fave shisha bar, Sahara, where I sipped on my strawberry martini and moved my body along to the rhythm of the music. Received a postcard from a dear friend who was in San Fran and traveling around in the states. This reminded me of how little people do snail mails nowadays and that I always cherish each and every mail I get in the post. The taste of my sweet and chilly strawberry margarita at Harlan’s with an old friend from London visiting, whilst overlooking the night view of Hong Kong from the 19th floor, was beyond breath taking.

Spent the night at Ms. S’s flat where I was greeted by her beautiful white roses in the living room as I headed off to work. Beauty in such a simple form is all you need at times to brighten your morning. Got a Topshop goodie bag with a leaflet, magazine, and hot red lipgloss to promote their grand opening in Hong Kong. New metallic heels and printed harem pants purchased for no reason because spontaneous shopping once in a while makes it that much more unexpected and fun.

I am blessed for each and every day that was filled with love fun, laughters, and sharing special moments with people i love and care for. You are my June Love 2013.


Filed under Beauty, fashion, Food, Style

May everyday be Valentines…

calenderI know this post is late by a day but as i always say, better later than never right?  So i just wanted to say a happy belated valentines day to all of you out there, whether you’re a singleton or with your beloved other half, I hope your Valentines day was filled with love, joy, kisses, and lots of happiness!!!

 To add a bit more of fun into valentines day or any other day if you like, here are some sweet little things that you can do with your other half. Hoepfully this goes to show that sometimes you don’t need to do anything fancy or big to feel the love, as long as you got each other. And the best part is that you can do all of the following things below, whether you’re in a relationship or is as single as can be. Happy Valentines day everyone!!!


Wear your favorite perfume and let the scent do it’s magic. I always believe a scent says a lot about a person and its has this power to bring out the confident, feminine, and sexual side of you. Just a quick breeze of a familiar perfume scent is enough to ignite certain memories from the past. It could be that first Chloe perfume that i got gifted a few years back for my birthday, and it’s been my fave ever since.


I don’t know about you but i’m sure all the macaron fans out there will agree with me. There’s nothing where a box of lovely and colorful Laduree macarons that can’t help sweeten up a lady’s heart and her taste buds in an instant. A box of these lovely sweet treats is certainly to win many hearts away. If you are on a budget, you can also consider macarons from other brands or bakeries. There are some  quite good ones out there if you really look.


Whether you got another half or you’re single, flowers, such as roses, are a great way to brigthen your day. I love roses and they always make me smile. For the singletons like moi, go out and buy a single rose or a bouquet of roses, or any type of flowers that you like, it is entirely up to you. Not only will they bring out such warmth and beauty to your home, but you can also turn them into dried flowers and do a DIY project, such as putting them in a pretty frame and hang it.

Strawberries dipped in dark chocolatetumblr_mhvbbsplzc1rm3soio1_1280_large

Not so much of a flower person? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Fresh and healthy strawberries dipped in devililicious dark chocolate is gonna make you want more. And eating dark chocolate has even proven to have health benefits, such as boosting your mood or  feeling less stressed, when taken in moderation. So feel free and indulge in those bouquets of strawberries dipped chocolate without a guilt in the world, for a day  or two at the most, hehe.

Valentines Nail Arttumblr_mi18vgMNbd1qbiu5fo2_1280_large

Getting your nails done in Valentines themed design is another way to bring out the love spirit in you. Bring out  all the love colors, the hot pink and hot red is the way to do it. And if you fancy a bit of creativity, you can add hearts, lips, ribbons, or anything you want on your nails. It’s a day where you can be girlie without feeling out of place.

Receiving flowers amor-awn-flowers-love-Favim_com-620458_large

If you’ve got that special other half, be sure to dress your best whilst you wait anxiously for that moment when your Mr. Right to turn up with a bouquet of your favorite flowers and gives you a passionate kiss. Once you go home, remember to put your lovely flowers into a lovely vase where they belong. The rest…well, i guess i don’t need to tell you what to do right?;)

Movie nighttumblr_mcu99yHb8Z1rv8ieso1_500_large

What other way to celebrate Valentines night then cuddling up with you other half and watching a romance comedy for  a chilled night. This is for the budget conscious couples and singletons out there though, i have to warn. One of my faves sappy movie as a kid was “My Girl”. Whatever movie you fancy, make sure you prepare a box of tissue because we are bound to shed some tears.

Sweet treatscupcakes

Baking your own dessert, such as cupcakes or cakes for Valentines day, is another way to express your love. Try to add more pink and red in the color scheme, and you can even add heart sprinkles or make your own heart paper name tags if you like. Of course, if you are not much of a baker, you can always turn to the safer and lazier option, go to a bakery that you’ve been wanting to visit for a long time and see what pretty gems awaits you there.


There is no reason for when a lady wants to glam up and the same goes on this extra special day. Make that extra effort on Valentines day to make your Valentine’s heart jump a beat. Put on some shimmery or glossy lip gloss to add some tease to your smile. He will be ready to kiss those passionate lips of yours in no time. Most importantly, you will feel prettier from the inside and the outside. It is  the smallest things, such as a lipgloss at times, which is all we need to feel a difference.

Creativity notebooks

The expression of love can be in many forms, and one form that i enjoy is through words. Take out those lovely notebooks that have been in hiding and covered in dust, and write down a sweet poem or love quote that you remember or saw from somewhere. Writing such sweet words or even memories of the present and past is a way to keep the memories ever lasting.


Last but not least, you have to remember the “love” word. Love is something that cannot be missing in any type of relationship, be it friendships, lovers, or families. Always remember to cherish your loved ones and embrace each moment that is given to you everyday. Enjoy some relaxing and quality time with your other half and try to find that happiness between the two of you, the happiness just like that very first moment you both laid eyes on each other.

May everyday be a Valentines day for you.


Filed under Dessert, Fun, Holidays

Long weekend with Kylie Minogue and high tea’ing

This past long weekend was super chilled and fun as we only had four days of work. Yep, i love long weekends and i wish we could get more of them! Unlike America, we were not celebrating 4th of July (surprise surprise eh!).  Now not to sound too boring but let me give you a little bit of history about this public holiday that we celebrate in Hong Kong. July 1st is the special day celebrated every year over here for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day. In short form, this marks the day of July 1st, 1997 when the land of Hong Kong was returned to the People’s Republic of China from the United Kingdom, marking the end of the British rule in Hong Kong. I guess it’s kinda similar to the meaning behind Fourth of July eh?

Anyway, this is just a quick post to update you all on what i did over the long weekend. Now what better way to spend July 1st than being with the lovely Kylie Minogue!?!?!!? Yes, you read that right, lol. I went to the Kylie Minogue Aphrodite Live concert and I’m not a like a big big fan but i have to say, it was the bomb! The concert was much better than i had expected. I took some photos of the concert but please excuse the poor photo quality as i had to zooom in super close! Yeah, the seats were pretty far away but the ticket prices were already so damn expensive! 

Her live performance was awesome and her singing was fantastic!!! I don’t understand how you can sing for 2 hours without losing your voice and still manage to hit high pitched notes! It was crazy and did i mention what a great and sweet entertainer she was? She  was really friendly and sang a few classic oldies that i loved, such as “Do the Locomotion” and “I should be so lucky”!!! OMG, i literally danced my azz off! lol…i was sooo high and of course i mean the natural way, hahaha. The theme of her concert seemed to evolve around this Roman theme but i gotta say, all her outfits were soo pretty! I loved her first outfit when she opened the show, simply amazing white flowy dress and loved her hair piece! I’m not sure what they are called but they were some kinda Roman wings? You guys know the term for it? lol. The acrobatic skills that the dancers did was beyond amazing too! There were these buffed men just hanging up there in the middle of the air for like forever! Good work out i must say,lol


I had a more relaxed Sunday afternoon and met up with a friend for high tea at The Parlour located at Heritage 1881 , and we just talked and ate for hours. That is the one thing i like about high tea, you can just sit forever and nibble small bites along with a nice cuppa tea. I especially enjoy spreading the clotted cream and strawberry on the warm scones!!! Yum!!!! One of my favorites was the mini heart shaped Rose scented mousse cake. The sweetness was just right and i loved how the rose scent was slowly infusing into all my taste buds. Ahh…..

If you are ever in Hong Kong, I would definitely recommend this place. It’s got a relaxing ambience and nice Asian interior decor with good quality food, and i can only speak for high tea as i’ve not tried their lunch or dinner menus.  If you like, you can read the reviews and contact info for the restaurant from Time Out Hong Kong  here.  Here are some yummy photos of the high tea that i took! Bon apetit!

I also did some shopping a few days ago and i’ll post my lovely treasures with you all soon so stay tuned!!!! Hope you all are having a superb week and  i’m looking forward to the weekend already! lol


Filed under Fun, Lifestyle

Pure sweetness!

I’ve come down with a cold and sore throat over the weekend and it’s just been a downer. I’m also finding myself a lack of blog inspiration tonight or maybe i’m getting drowsy from the meds. Either way, i thought it would be a perfect time to share with you all on some delish dessert buffet that i had with my family at the Intercontinental Hotel. This was taken back in November for my mother’s birthday and i’ve been meaning to post it, so here it is. This is what i call pure dessert paradise!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh……..

(All photos accredited to me)

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