Tag Archives: mothers day

Belated Happy Mother’s Day


Shouting out loud a very belated Happy Mother’s Day to all the lovely moms out there!!! I love you mom and you are the best mommy anyone can ever ask for. Thanks for the unconditional love and life sacrifices you made for us throughout these years, and still do. I know its been a lot of work! Love you always…

And yes, we all loved and gobbled down the velvet lady cake and McDonald’s macarons like there was no tomorrow!

Photo source: by me

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Filed under Life, Love

May Love 2013


Walked by a local flower shop and stood for minutes in admiration of these beautiful and colorful flowers, and made my way home with a smile. Enjoyed a lovely weekend with an old middle school friend who was in town from Canada, where delish brunch with my fave roasted potatoes and scrambled eggs with peppers were gobbled down, and served with a latte. Definitely a good way to freshen up after a late night out partying. Discovered some funky wall art exhibiting Hong Kong with images of endless rows of tall buildings, a distinctive trait of this compact city.

Old fashion magazines discovered during room cleaning, and made into good use, as a temporary stand for my random nick nacks. The infamous giant 16.5 meter rubber duck , an inflatable art piece by Dutch artist, Florentijin Hofman finally arrived to Hong Kong, and will be floating around Victoria Harbour for a month. Apparently this rubber duck has visited different waters across the world, including Osaka, Sydney, Sao Paolo, Amsterdam, and many more. The purpose for this rubber duck is to spread the joy around the world and put smiles on people’s faces, and has been doing so since 2007. Being a tourist for a day in my own city and rediscovered some old temples, such as the infamous Man Mo Temple, located in Central.

BFF and i tried a new brunch place, Cafe inside, around her neighborhood in Sai Ying Pun. The art decor, stylish furnishes, friendly service definitely won us over. Oh and their blueberry toast was simply orgasmically divine! A walk around Gold Coast to enjoy the nature side of Hong Kong, followed by seafood dinner in celebration for my uncle’s birthday with the family. Mothers day spent on a calm Sunday evening over steak, papaya chicken salad, and hot lemon tea at Dan Ryans, and a yummy raspberry soft cheese cake i got from Agnes b. The sweetness and softness of the cake was just perfect.

I am blessed for each and every day that was filled with love fun, laughters, and sharing special moments with people i love and care for. You are my May Love 2013.


Filed under Art, design, Food

Snapshots in a week…

I love it when i do spring cleaning and come across all sorts of gems that i have almost completely forgotten about. As i came to my senses and out of my laziness, i managed to do some spring cleaning this week with not too much of a success but i always say, every small effort counts!

To start off with, i was going through my make up kit and discovered that i had more than two lip balms and lip glosses and seriously, i keep telling myself i only have one mouth! I’m not sure what it but every time i buy a lip balm or lip gloss, i just seem to naturally take my money out without much hesitation and buy it. I suppose it’s one of those easy and affordable impulsive buys.  In fact, i only just bought a lip gloss last week!

Another thing that i buy on impulse is those glossy fashion magazines that just screams “buy me, buy me!!!” It was quite surprising when i found out that some magazines dated back to 2010. Honestly, how did 2 years go by already?!?!?

The thing is i always buy magazines and read bits and pieces thinking i’ll go back to it later. Of course, that mostly never happens. I think i may need to cool it down with the magazines but i do have a back up plan. I started buying the Cosmopolitan UK magazine online earlier in the year, which works out a lot cheaper as it’s in US dollars, hehe. I’ve only bought 3 issues so far and i think that is pretty good as we’re already entering the month of June. Self control is all i can say!

Lately i also believe that i have taken up on another obsessive  impulse buys on scarves. I never really bought scarves in the past as i always used my pink Burberry cashmere scarf and another cheap leopard print scarf that is totally worn out now.  However, I recently started to notice how easy it is to accessory an outfit with a scarf and so my shopping spree kicked in. I won’t say it’s too bad as i’ve only bought 4 scarves in the past 2 months and they are cheap as well. The most expensive scarf that i got was from H&M (the one to the far left) at HK$79.90. Not bad eh? I guess i’m a bargain hunter at heart and try to shop wisely.

Today was mothers day and to me, this is a special day where i show all my love and appreciation for my mom.  As i mentioned in my previous post, she is my best friend and she has always been there for me for good times or bad times and vice versa.

To celebrate such a special occasion, i decided to take her and dad to high tea at “the parlour”. My dad has actually never been to high tea in his life so he was really excited about it! Lets just say my dad normally hangs in his local town and eats his local Chinese food all the time. He actually likes western food a lot so i was looking forward to bring him along in case he felt left out, lol.

The weather was on our side and it did not rain, nor was it too hot or humid so it was perfect! As we arrived to “the parlour”, we were asked if we wanted to be seated inside or outside. Knowing my mom very well, i knew she would say outside and so we did. We ordered one high tea set and we especially ordered the Hullet House smoked salmon club sandwich with fries for my dad as he likes his “man food”. My dad ordered a cup of cappuccino along with his man food and he said it was alright.

It was a real relaxing day and it was just nice to be out with my parents and experience with them something that is very normal in my life style. We sat there for almost 2 hours where we were just talking and eating away, and there were many times that i noticed my dad was really enjoying his food! It just bought a smile to my face.

I suggested my dad to try the coffee as i know how much he likes his coffee and he ordered a cappuccino.  As soon as the cappuccino arrived, he just seemed really happy and he told me he felt like it was the good old days when he worked in Denmark and had his morning coffees.  Yes, that is how easy it is to please my dad, hehe.

After our much satisfied meal, we walked for a bit before we decided to call it a day and went home. Once we go home, i told her that i had to go down to buy something. Little did she know that i was actually going to the local flower shop to collect a bouquet of red roses that i had ordered the day before. My mom liked the surprise but being the typical mom that she is, she was saying that i wasted money, which is fine because i could tell she was happy and that’s what counts. There’s also a delicious mixed fruit cake waiting in our fridge right now but i’ve decided to save that for tomorrow because i am just too stuffed now.


Filed under Food, Fun

Current Lust: Motherhood!!!

As we are fast approaching Mothers Day, 1 day to be exact, i couldn’t think of a better “Current Lust” post then about all the fabulous moms out there! Motherhood is a very special and personal experience to every women and surely, there is nothing more proud than being a mom!

I have the bestest mom that i can ever ask for in the world and i love her to bits and pieces. We have gone through our good and bad times and we have come a long way since then. Nowadays there is nothing i want more than to spend time with her when possible, and celebrating special holidays together.  She is probably one of the few people that allows me to be myself where i can confront or get angry at her without judging me.

I still recall my teen years where i would always get into fights with her like a typical teenager due to endless reasons, such as passing my curfew, rushing me to do my home work, not buying me things that i want, etc. You know how it goes right?!!?!Despite all our history, we are each others best friend and i couldn’t ask for a better BFF than her.  Mom, i loveeeeeeeeeee you and i wish you the best in health and life.

Hope you all have a happy and memorable mothers day!!!

Photo source: we heart it


Filed under Fun